Purim and Paul: The Torah Veiled and Unveiled

What do Paul, Purim costumes, and Purim torah all have in common? Yehuda Fogel delves into the meaning of hiddenness and its role in revelation on Purim.

A Journey Across the Ages: Esther in America

Jennifer Caplan reviews Esther in America, a timely volume featuring essays by a number of Lehrhaus editors that addresses how the characters and themes of Megillat Esther have been integrated into American thought and culture over time.

Amalek and the War Against War

As we reflect on ever-present evil by reading Parashat Zakhor this Shabbat amidst the shocking human tragedy of the war in Ukraine, Zach Truboff brings to light a derasha by Rav Moshe Avigdor Amiel written a century ago that speaks to this very moment.

Rahab, Jeremiah, and the Story of Purim

Shimon Lerner uncovers a surprising but profound message that goes to the very heart of the Purim story.

Unorthodox? How Megillat Esther Justifies the Holiday of Purim

Tzvi Sinensky suggests that the Megillah itself confronts the question of Purim's legitimacy.

Esther the Queen, Hester Prynne, and The Scarlet Letter as Biblical Commentary

Tzvi Sinensky explores the hidden world of Esther with the help of Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Joy at Last: Reflections on the End of Esther

Erica Brown explores the deeper meaning of joy in Megillat Esther and beyond.

Poets Are Purim Jews: On Contemporary Poetry’s Inexplicable Obsession with the Ordinary 

Poet Yehoshua November notices a defining characteristic of contemporary poetry—fixation on the ordinary. In light of Hasidic theology, November argues that appreciation for the holiness of the ordinary underlies Megillat Esther and the celebration of Purim.

The Agagites

For Parshat Zakhor, this short story by Shira Eliaser richly imagines the world of King Saul and the clandestine encounter that brought Haman’s Amalekite ancestors into the world.

Vashti: Feminist or Foe?

Tzvi Sinensky contends that the rabbinic and feminist readings of Vashti are not diametrically opposed.