
Zohar Atkins weighs in on contemporary anti-Semitism “culture wars” through the unique lens of poetry.

Bread of Life

Can food embody holiness? In this poem, DJ Grant uses challah as a metaphor to encapsulate the individual holiness of a person.

Halakhic Poet? Translating the Rav for a Generation that ‘Knew not Joseph’

Aryeh Klapper with some new translation-stylings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's Halakhic Man.

Ode to a Nightingale

A passionate sonnet by Yocheved Friedman in memory of the Rav, zt'l.

“Filling In” and “The Poet of Auschwitz”

Two new poems by Temima Weissmann address national calamities, both past and present.

Dear Rabbi, Due Too Soon

In her debut poem, Sophia Katz mourns the loss of a local rabbi.

Configurations of Worship

Read Tikva Hecht's powerful poem to enter the world of Elul.

Living in an Old Book with Poet Haim Gouri (1923-2018) 

Wendy Zierler interprets a 2015 poem by the late Haim Gouri, reflecting on the challenges of aging, and on the complex and often mournful relationship between the Jewish people, their history, and their literature.

Poems for a World Built, Destroyed, and Rebuilt

Six new poems by Elhanan Nir—published here with English translation and annotation—capture the grief and discontinuity of this moment.