Torah Study and the Digital Revolution: A Glimpse of the Future

How will digital technology transform Torah study in the coming years? Two of the brilliant minds working at the cutting edge of this field, Moshe Koppel and Avi Shmidman, both professors at Bar-Ilan University, offer a window into the Torah tools of the future.

What Time Should the Early Minyan Begin on Monday? Recognizing mi-sheyakir: Science, Technology,...

Yaakov Jaffe explores a common synagogue practice, and why it doesn't seem so halakhic. minyan,

Digital Discourse and the Democratization of Jewish Learning

Zev Eleff draws on lessons of nineteenth century print culture to help grapple with the Digital Age.

The Hazon Ish Wasn’t Writing About Using Computers

Dan Margulies explains the Hazon Ish's discussion about the problem of using electricity on Shabbat, with implications for Zoom Sedarim.

Shared Leadership: A Response to Ezra Schwartz and Nathaniel Helfgot

In response to recent articles by Ezra Schwartz and Nathaniel Helfgot on the issue of centralization, Jeffrey Fox offers a vision of collaborative, personalized pesak in the post-Covid era.

Making Seder Out of the Zoom Seder Controversy

Shlomo Zuckier surveys and analyzes the debate over Zoom Seders during coronavirus.

Four Reasons to Leverage Pop Culture in the Judaic Studies Classroom 

Can we learn Torah from Star Wars, superheroes, or the hit Netflix show ‘The Crown’? Olivia Friedman, a teacher at Ida Crown Jewish Academy in Chicago, says yes, arguing that bringing pop culture into the Judaic studies classroom in a meaningful way not only makes learning more fun, but models the type of integration that Modern Orthodoxy stands for.

Modern Technology Meets Tehum Shabbat

In honor of yesterday's Daf Yomi Siyum on Masekhet Eiruvin, Yaakov Jaffe describes how online maps and other technological tools have better enabled communities such as Boston/Cambridge to measure their tehum shabbat.

Halakhah: Navigating Between Unity and Plurality

Aaron Segal reviews Staying Human by Harris Bor.