Practicing Neo-Hasidism: Insights from Arthur Green’s Writings

Jonah Mac Gelfand explores the neo-Hasidic theology of obligation to do mitzvot that emerges from the fascinating writings of Rabbi Arthur Green.

Will Day School Be Affordable Again?

Rafi Eis offers suggestions to solve the day school tuition crisis.

Yes, We Needed Another Modern Orthodox Prayer Book: A Review of the RCA Siddur

Yosef Lindell Introduction and History of the RCA Siddur If anyone had asked me a year ago whether the Modern Orthodox community in the United States...

Letters to the Editor: A Response to David Polsky’s “Reading Tragedy in Gittin and...

R.A. Alpert argues that the differences between Hamas and the Zealots outweigh the similarities.

Looking for Gedolim in All the Wrong Places?

Ethan Tucker I am grateful to the editors of Lehrhaus for inviting me into this discussion and to my friend and colleague, Chaim Saiman, for...