Traditional Revolutionaries

Ilan Fuchs reviews Naomi Seidman’s book Sarah Schenirer and the Bais Yaakov Movement.

Ivri Anochi: A Tribute to the Paradox of Jewish Pride

Shlomo Zuckier takes a closer look at the cultural and theological underpinnings of this hit new Orthodox music video.

Women’s Torah Study and Cosmic Evolution

Ilan Fuchs on the Lubavitcher Rebbe's unique view on women's Torah learning.

Do Children Belong in Shul?

Moshe Kurtz explores halakhic and hashkafic considerations surrounding bringing young children to shul.

Orthodox Judaism and the Impossibility of Biblical Criticism

Michah Gottlieb reflects on the recent discussion on biblical scholarship and its implications for Orthodox Jews, in light of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's writings. 

Women and Paternalism

Judah Goldberg responds to Chaim Saiman, continuing the discussion on women's higher Torah learning.

Periphery and Center: reading Natalie Zemon Davis at Stern College for Women

Natalie Zemon Davis, a Jewish historian known for shining a light on the lives of marginalized people in the early modern period, passed away in October. Ronnie Perelis commemorates Dr. Zemon Davis by reflecting on the experience of teaching her revolutionary work to his students at Stern College for Women.

A Modern Orthodox Hedgehog for a Postmodern World: Part 2

In part 1, Gil Perl argued that Modern Orthodox is in need of a Hedgehog Concept and put forward Or (la-)Goyim as a candidate for that role. In part 2, he details what this might look like in practice and why it would appeal to our youth in a post-modern world.

And Even If Parents Are Present …

Continuing the Yitzhak paradigm, Rabbi Yaakov Bieler offers another perspective on the nuances of Jewish education.

The Four R’s: An Orthodox Educational Framework for Engaging with Biblical Criticism

Thanks in part to several new publications, portions of the Orthodox world have been engaging with modern biblical scholarship in a more significant way than ever before. Gil Perl provides a four-step framework for how Jewish days schools might profitably teach many aspects of biblical criticism that do not conflict with our mesorah.