My “Chavrusa,” Rav Tendler 

Moshe Kurtz provides a poignant and vivid tribute to Rav Moshe Tendler, reflecting on their time learning together during the final three years of his life.

Decentralizing Religious Authority

Rachel Levmore asks whether Internet feuds are the proper way to adjudicate halakhic matters.

A Call For a New Modern Orthodox Humash

A call for a new Modern Orthodox Humash, and a history of the current ones, by Yosef Lindell.

Bringing Back Torah u-Madda

Yaakov Bieler details several reasons why Torah u-Madda remains important to our role as Torah Jews and some practical ways we can implement this approach.

A Love Letter to the Woman of Valor

Who is the Woman of Valor, really? She's a woman engaged in a relationship of mutuality, argues Malka Simkovich, and someone who has her own voice and deserves to be heard.
Orthodox Survey

Drawing The right Conclusions: A Defense of a Recent Orthodox Survey

Zvi Grumet responds to Matt Williams, defending his data and the social media tools used to obtain it.


William Kolbrener offers insight into the intellectual underpinnings of the Rav's 1932 interview recently re-published by The Lehrhaus.

That Which Is Beyond Your Gates

In this imaginative short story from David Zvi Kalman, as synagogue attendance shrinks, the buildings themselves begin to grow.

Beginning the day with Halakhah or with Spirituality?

Yaakov Jaffe examines how the order of our morning Tefillot can shape the way we approach our day.

Ivri Anochi: A Tribute to the Paradox of Jewish Pride

Shlomo Zuckier takes a closer look at the cultural and theological underpinnings of this hit new Orthodox music video.