Character And Covenant

Ben Frogel reviews a new volume that introduces thirty-five different Jewish approaches to virtue ethics and attempts to link them into one continuous tradition.

“They should seek Torah from his mouth; for he is an angel of the...

In commemoration of the shloshim of Rabbi Simcha Krauss z"l, Dan Margulies offers a moving reflection of his teacher.

Rethinking Judaism in Early America

Did the Founding Fathers study Kabbalah? Yisroel Ben-Porat reviews Brian Ogren’s new book Kabbalah and the Founding of America.

Inside Joke: The Spiritual Genius of Rav Menachem Froman

Josh Rosenfeld delves into the world of Rabbi Menachem Froman.

Response to “Manels” in Modern Orthodoxy

Mali Brofsky argues that often, "Manels" are a product of women's conscious personal decisions. Agree or disagree?

Rabbi Moshe Dovid Tendler and the Golden Age of Jewish Medical Ethics

Alan Jotkowitz reflects on Rabbi Moshe Tendler’s unique contributions to Jewish medical ethics.

(IN)VISIBILITY: Is it good for Jews to be invisible?

As Juneteenth sparks another round of discussion of blacks and the American experience, Chaim Trachtman compares and contrasts the Jewish and Black experiences in America through the lens of Jason Mott’s Hell of a Book.


Ross Weissman offers a stirring poem on hope during the trying times of coronavirus.

Star-Spangled Synagogue: Do National Flags Belong in Our Houses of Worship?

On this flag day, Moshe Kurtz surveys the arguments for and against displaying national flags in synagogues.

When God Appeases Man: Yom Kippur in a Time of Exile

Yom Kippur marks the end of an 11 week period when thematic haftarot about the destruction of the Temple, consolation following its loss, and repentance replace haftarot connected to the weekly Torah reading. What can this grouping teach us about the nature of forgiveness and reconciliation? Hannah Abrams explains.