The “Judeo-Christian” Tradition at Yeshiva

Yisroel Ben-Porat offers historical, hashkafic, and personal reflections on what’s often called the “Judeo-Christian” tradition and whether a Torah u-Madda outlook can embrace the study of Christianity.

The Prophets Did Not Take Political Stands, and You Should Too

Alex Ozar comments on preaching politics from the pulpit.

Can Religious Zionism Do Teshuvah?

  Zach Truboff In 1933, as the month of Elul approached, the Jewish people faced a frightening array of dangers. That year, Hitler consolidated power as...

“Justice has not Been Done”: Officer Immunity and Accountability in Jewish Law (Part 2)

David Polsky meticulously explores officer immunity in Halakha and compares it with the American legal standard of qualified immunity.

There Are No Lights in War: We Need a Different Religious Language

A growing list of dati le’umi leaders and thinkers frame war as a desirable state and even an opportunity for spiritual elevation. Religious Israeli activist Ariel Shwartz traces this trend with alarm and argues that it contradicts deep-rooted Torah values. Translated by Mordechai Blau.

On the Other Hand: An Opposing View on Politics from the Pulpit

Eliezer Finkelman offers his thoughts on politicizing from the pulpit.

Homes Without Hate and Praying With Sinners

Jerome Marcus comments on the connection between davening with sinners and playing politics.

Homeland Insecurity

Jeffrey Green assesses Daniel Boyarin's "Traveling Homeland," Jewish texts and Diaspora in modern terms.

Titus and the Tripartite Soul: A Lesson on Leadership and Jewish Survival

With a novel reading of Josephus and Gittin, Shana Schwartz proposes that the tragedy of the second hurban and the mystery of subsequent Jewish survival may be understood by reference to the physiological knowledge available in classical antiquity.

Celebration and Exploration: Why Good Israel Education Needs Both

In this timely essay, Noam Weissman of OpenDor Media argues for a form of Israel education that tackles challenging topics in Israel’s history.