The Challenge and Joy of Living With Tension

Shayna Goldberg contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Revival of the Forgotten Talmud

Sefaria has recently published a new bilingual digital edition of Talmud Yerushalmi. Taking stock of this development, Zachary Rothblatt offers an erudite synthesis of the history of Yerushalmi.

The Promise of Progressive Jewish Education

Tikvah Wiener shares insight into the world of progressive Jewish education.

And Even If Parents Are Present …

Continuing the Yitzhak paradigm, Rabbi Yaakov Bieler offers another perspective on the nuances of Jewish education.

Killing Off the Rav (So He May Live)

William Kolbrener calls for an end to Rav-polemicizing so that all interested parties might finally take his legacy and teachings at full-depth.

A Modern Orthodox Hedgehog for a Postmodern World: Part 1

Gil Perl argues that Modern Orthodox currently lacks a “Hedgehog Concept,” namely something at their core that they passionately believe they do better than anyone else in the world. He argues that Or Goyim, as articulated by 19th century luminaries like Netziv and Hirsch, is the Hedgehog concept that can engage Modern Orthodox Youth in a postmodern world.

To Lower Tuition Costs, Stop Donating to Schools and Start a Bank

Hillel David Rapp comments on the connection between Jewish philanthropy and day school tuition.

Jonah and the Varieties of Religious Motivation

David Bashevkin articulates a religious educator’s perspective on why people become religious

The Feminist Case for Home Economics

There was a time when many day schools featured home ec classes, but those days are behind us. Lindsey Bodner makes the case for reintroducing an updated version of this course in our curricula.

Putting Our Money Where Our Mouths Are

Rivka Press Schwartz contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.