American Orthodox Jews Can and Should Care About Whether Liberal Judaism Thrives

Roberta Kwall weighs in on the state of non-Orthodox Judaism and how it affects Orthodoxy.

The Species for Change

Chana Chava Ford explains what Sukkot might teach us about real religious change.

The Maculate Conception: Introducing a Symposium on Rabbi Prof. David Weiss Halivni

Elli Fischer Just over a month ago, the Jewish world lost Rabbi Professor David Weiss Halivni, one of its greatest and most creative Talmudic minds...

Hippocratic Healthcare and Christian Absolutism: Can Halakhah Allow for Compassionate Euthanasia?

Leead Staller argues for a more nuanced approach to euthanasia in Halakha.

Adam’s Absence: Rereading the Primordial Sin

Yisroel Ben-Porat analyzes a Midrash offering non-misogynistic takes on the original sin.

Nine Crazy Nights?

Outside the Land of Israel, we add an extra day to several holidays. Michael Kurin wonders: why not on Hanukkah?

“Certainty Has Never Been Mine”: The Denominational Eclecticism of David Ellenson

Just in advance of the shloshim for David Ellenson, the former president of Hebrew Union College, Jonathan D. Sarna pays tribute to a man whose life, work, and friendships spanned the Jewish denominational divide.

Biblical Proportionality: The War to Restore our Faith in Man

Aton Holzer reflects on the loss of faith Israelis are going through following the events of October 7.

Incensed by Coronavirus: Prayer and Ketoret in Times of Epidemic

Dr. Eddie Reichman, an ER doctor on the front lines of fighting Coronavirus, and an expert in the history of halakhah and medicine, shares a unique perspective on history of combatting plagues in the Jewish tradition.

Rabbi Steinsaltz: My Mentor, Teacher, and Guide

Shmuel Greene describes the lessons he learned from his Rebbe, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz ztz"l