Rabbeinu Bahya and the Case of the Mysterious Medieval Lightning Rod

Did Rabbeinu Bahya mention a lightning rod centuries before it was discovered? Yaakov Taubes takes us on a journey through science, magic, and religion to help explain this medieval commentator’s cryptic comment about the Tower of Babel.

Avraham’s Test of Loyalty

Mark Glass puts the Akeidah in conversation with the surrounding narratives of the book of Genesis.

Seeing Double: Themes in Judges, Chapter 3

Judy Taubes Sterman examines Judges Chapter 3.

Aleinu and Genesis: Against the Twin Idolatries of Universalism & Ethnonationalism

Does the Torah support a universalist or ethnonationalist political orientation? In this timely essay, Ezra Zuckerman Sivan explores the meaning behind key stories in Genesis through the framework of the Aleinu prayer.

Review of Yehuda Landy: Purim and the Persian Empire

Mitchell First reviews Yehuda Landy's Purim and the Persian Empire.

As One Person with One Heart: Misunderstood in Unison

What sort of Jewish unity was there at Mount Sinai?

Put a Mirror on Your Seder Table

Leah Sarna argues that this is the Passover to tell the stories of enslaved Jewish women: of the victims of October 7, who were and likely still are subjected to sexual violence, and of the heroic women in the era of the Exodus, who fought to ensure the perpetuation of the Jewish people.

Mikra Bikkurim at the Seder: A View from Deuteronomy

Tzvi Sinensky suggests that we can best understand the Haggadah against the backdrop of Sefer Devarim.

Pinhas’ Parts: Of Priests, Peace, and Disturbing the Piece

What was the covenant of peace God gave Pinchas? R. Shlomo Zuckier puts the pieces together to find out

Our Hands Did Not Shed This Blood?

Alex Ozar offers an in-depth reading of Eglah Arufah against the backdrop of current events.