The Waters of Consolation: Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai and His Students
Miriam Gedwiser explores the time Rabban Yohanan ben Zakai's students sought to comfort their teacher.
The Haunted Yeshivah: Abaye and the Torah of ADHD
Elli Fischer examines the interplay between Talmudic Halakhah and Aggadah.
Utilizing Literary Techniques in the Study of Aggadah: A Review of Jeffrey Rubenstein’s The...
Yitzchak Blau reviews Jeffrey Rubenstein’s The Land of Truth, Talmud Tales, Timeless Teachings.
Loyal As A Dog: How to Read “Jewish Art”
Marc Michael Epstein explores the nature of animal motifs in medieval Jewish manuscripts.
Born to Return
Alex Ozar explores the significance of Torah study in the womb.
If Your Wife Is Short, Bend Down and Hear Her Whisper: Rereading Tanur shel...
Miriam Gedwiser
Sometimes, returning to a familiar text uncovers something new. In this essay, I hope to reexamine the story of the Oven of Akhnai...
The Talmud’s Economic Behavior, and the Study of Behavioral Economics
Shlomo Zuckier explores some surprising connections between the Talmud and the field of behavioral economics.
Pinhas’ Parts: Of Priests, Peace, and Disturbing the Piece
What was the covenant of peace God gave Pinchas? R. Shlomo Zuckier puts the pieces together to find out
Nine Measures
Tehila Wenger offers a short story on loss, eternity, and olive trees .
After Lag: Two Readings on The ‘Self-Praise’ of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai
Rabbi Josh Rosenfeld offers insight into the nature of the Jewish mystical tradition by examining some of Rashbi's stories.