The Waters of Consolation: Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai and His Students

Miriam Gedwiser explores the time Rabban Yohanan ben Zakai's students sought to comfort their teacher.

Cutting a Peace: The Story of Ketiah bar Shalom

Shlomo Zuckier offers a close literary reading of the fascinating Ketia bar Shalom narrative on Avodah Zarah 10b!

Rabbi Yehudah ha-Nasi’s Yom Kippur

Shlomo Zuckier explores the nature of Yom Kippur and its relationship to atonement.

Cities of Crumbling Walls: What The Talmud Can Teach Us About Living Through A...

What can the Talmud teach us about living through a pandemic? Avi Strausberg argues that it teaches us quite a bit about strengthening acts of kindness and solidarity in our communities.

Mind Blown: Shofar as Divine Encounter Beyond the Limits of Human Comprehension

Aton Holzer explores the inscrutability of the Mitzvah of Shofar.

Two Paradigms of Teshuvah?

Yehoshua Pfeffer on self-abnegating vs. life-affirming teshuva.

The Fourth Chapter of Avot as an extended reflection on Epicurean Philosophy

In the spirit of Hanukkah, Yaakov Jaffe offers an intriguing thesis tying together a series of Mishnayot in the fourth chapter of Pirkei Avot: they are all responding to various aspects of Epicurean philosophy.

The “Judeo-Christian” Tradition at Yeshiva

Yisroel Ben-Porat offers historical, hashkafic, and personal reflections on what’s often called the “Judeo-Christian” tradition and whether a Torah u-Madda outlook can embrace the study of Christianity.

Humor: The Refuge of the Wise

Rami Reiner examines how our understanding of a Talmudic passage could change if we allow for the possibility of it being a comedy.

“Miracles Do Not Happen at Every Hour”: Purim Drinking as anti-Christian Polemic

Eliav Grossman examines the Talmud's account of drinking on Purim, reading it as directed at Christian texts and traditions.