Sexual Assault: A Torah Analysis and Its Modern Implications
Rena Kosowsky compares the treatment of sexual assault in the Bible and the Talmud, and explores the implications of what that means for how we should address it today.
Confronting Biblical Criticism: A Review Essay
Marc B. Shapiro reviews a new edited volume by Yoram Hazony, Gil Student, and Alex Sztuden that offers a traditional defense of revelation in light of modern biblical criticism.
Mishnah with Meaning: Review of The Soul of the Mishna by Yakov Nagen
Yakov Nagen's Soul of the Mishna contains a wealth of readings that combine academic, literary, and spiritual perspectives on the Mishnah, writes Richard Hidary. Read the full review of the book, now accessible to an English-speaking audience, in our latest at the Lehrhaus.
A Year in Review – 2022
As 2022 comes to a close, the Lehrhaus team is proud to feature some highlights from our contributions this past year. Yet again, we have published at least one hundred original pieces across a wide variety of genres.
Nine Crazy Nights?
Outside the Land of Israel, we add an extra day to several holidays. Michael Kurin wonders: why not on Hanukkah?
Demystifying R. Eliezer Waldenberg on Sex Reassignment Surgery
Tzvi Sinensky carefully examines the Tzitz Eliezer’s view on sexual reassignment surgery.
Laughter in the Face of Tragedy: The Enduring Resistance of Rabbi Akiva
Miriam Zami’s essay, runner-up to Hadar's annual Ateret Zvi Prize, uncovers the political and theological resistance of Rabbi Akiva’s laughter in the wake of the destruction of the Temple.
A Time to Mourn: Aveilut as Minor Holiday
Ben Greenfield’s essay, winner of Hadar's annual Ateret Zvi Prize, explores why Hazal chose to situate Hilkhot Aveilut in tractate Moed Katan.
The Directional Shaking of the Lulav: Bible, Mysticism, and Religious Polemics
Yaakov Jaffe traces the origins and evolution of the custom to shake the lulav in different directions.
Do Children Belong in Shul?
Moshe Kurtz explores halakhic and hashkafic considerations surrounding bringing young children to shul.