Cutting a Peace: The Story of Ketiah bar Shalom
Shlomo Zuckier offers a close literary reading of the fascinating Ketia bar Shalom narrative on Avodah Zarah 10b!
Dr. Norman Lamm’s Trailblazing Talmudic Methodology
Tzvi Sinensky makes a case to consider Rabbi Norman Lamm as pathbreaking Talmud innovator.
What Time Should the Early Minyan Begin on Monday? Recognizing mi-sheyakir: Science, Technology,...
Yaakov Jaffe explores a common synagogue practice, and why it doesn't seem so halakhic. minyan,
The Beit Midrash in the Age of Snapchat
Shira Hecht-Koller
Earlier this year, Apple released the iPhone X. When the first iPhone was released in 2007, I was completing my second year of...
Don’t Forget David’s Literary Temple! A Rebuttal to Levi Morrow
Harvard Professor Jon Levenson weighs in on what stops the floodwaters:
rabbinic creativity or the Temple!
Rabbinic Creativity and the Waters that would Consume the World
Levi Morrow explores how the Rabbis use creative exegesis to save the world
from drowning in a flood
Can I Use Zip-Ties To Hold Down My Sekhakh?
Dan Margulies offers a rundown of the sukkah zip-tie construction, the next
great halakhic frontier
Rabbi Yehudah ha-Nasi’s Yom Kippur
Shlomo Zuckier explores the nature of Yom Kippur and its relationship to atonement.
“Turn it and Turn it, for all is in It:” Ilana Kurshan and the...
The most enjoyable feature of the book is the brilliant and creative integration of the daily Talmudic folio Kurshan studies with experiences of her life.
Rav Hayyim and the Love of Lernen
In 1927, Rabbi Boruch Ber Leibowitz wrote a poem, an ode to Rabbi Hayyim Soloveitchik of Brisk. Nati Helfgot provides the background and a translation.