Of Divine Nostrils and the Primordial Altar: A Pipeline of Sanctity

What does the makeup of the altar drainage pipes tell us about the nature of holiness? Shlomo Zuckier explores!

Sacred Training: Elevating the Hallowed Art of Healing 

Howard Apfel reviews Sacred Training: A Halakhic Guidebook for Medical Students and Residents.

Subjective Experience in Halakhah: Music During Sefirah as a Case Study

Judah Kerbel explores how differing approaches to listening to music during Sefirat ha-Omer balance the appropriate role for subjectivity in halakhic decision-making.

Antipodal Etrogim

Aaron Cohen surveys the fascinating literature surrounding antipodal etrogim.

Can we Transform the World? An Analysis of the Talmudic Messiah

Atara Cohen considers the theological implications of the Talmud’s surprising majority opinion as to how the Messiah will come.

The Pregnant Sotah: A Case Study in the Ethics of Abortion

Yisroel Ben-Porat grapples with whether the case of the pregnant Sotah has implications for the debates surrounding abortion.

First Fruits (Bikkurim) and the Talmudic View of Capital: An Essai in the Philosophy...

Bezalel Naor explains what is philosophical about the erstwhile halakhic observances of the Shavuot holiday.

Rav Nachum Rabinovitch and the Art of Ancient Dyeing

Baruch Sterman, founder of the @Ptil Tekhelet Institute, tells the story of Rav Rabinovitch's pivotal role in the discovery of the tekhelet - and an episode of "The Worst Jobs in History," a 2004-2006 BBC series.

Hippocratic Healthcare and Christian Absolutism: Can Halakhah Allow for Compassionate Euthanasia?

Leead Staller argues for a more nuanced approach to euthanasia in Halakha.

Semikhah and Mesorah: A Response to the OU Panel

Jeffrey Fox contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.