The Earth-Shattering Faith of Rav Shagar

Zach Truboff on Rav Shagar, Israeli Post-Modernism and American Modern Orthodox Judaism.

The Birthplace of Infertility

Infertility figures as a tragic theme not only on Rosh Hashanah but also in biblical narrative and modern life. This morning, Yael Leibowitz writes lyrically on The Birthplace of Infertility.

A Jewish Perspective on God’s Presence in Islam

Yakov Nagen examines attitudes towards Islam in Jewish thought.

(How) Can we Know Orthodox Judaism is True?

In his latest for the Lehrhaus, Steven Gotlib reviews the recently published collection of essays, Strauss, Spinoza, and Sinai: Orthodox Judaism and Modern Questions of Faith, which tries to answer: is there a philosophical defense of Orthodoxy in the modern world?

Kamtza and Bar Kamtza in the Age of Cancel Culture

The Talmudic story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza is often used to highlight the destructive consequences of baseless hatred. In an intriguing reading, David Hellman suggests that the hatred that motivated the tale’s participants is more complex than meets the eye.

Buying Jewish Whiskey

Last year, Nathan B. Oman, a Latter-day Saint and law professor, bought hametz from the members of Chaim Saiman’s synagogue before Passover. This is his story—a profound meditation on the nature of religious law and legal fiction — with an introduction by Chaim Saiman.

What is Yerushalmi Shekalim Doing in the Babylonian Talmud?

As Daf Yomi learners begin studying Shekalim, Tamara Morsel-Eisenberg offers an erudite answer to the question: What is Yerushalmi Shekalim doing in the Babylonian Talmud?

Bittul Torah or a Taste of the World to Come? Fathers and Young Children

In honor of Father's Day, Yosef Bronstein shares thoughts about the Talmud's perspective on the relationship between fathers and children.

Social Distancing in the Rabbinic Tradition

Jeremy Brown discusses some remarkable Talmudic and historical precedents for social distancing during pandemics.

Gedolim Cards and the Commodification of Rabbi-Saints

Zev Eleff on a uniquely American Jewish "righteous commodity" Gedolim Cards