There Is Nothing New Under the Sun: A Reply to Gil Perl

In response to Gil Perl's Postmodern Orthodoxy, Gidon Rothstein asks for another look at Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein and the limits of pluralism and what we consider "truth."

Up to Hashem and Down to the World: Making Sense of Beit Shammai and...

Countless explanations have been offered to explain the debate between Beit Hillel and Beit Shamai as to whether we light the Hanukkah candles in ascending or descending order. Yet remarkably, Hannah Abrams manages to offer a strikingly novel reading of this debate. Her analysis is well worth the read.

The Soul of Man Under Postmodernism: Further comments on Rav Shagar’s contribution

Shalom Carmy The last couple of weeks have brought two worthwhile assessments of Rav Shagar’s Faith Shattered and Restored: Judaism in the Postmodern Age, Matt Lubin’s...

Rav Nachum Rabinovitch and the Art of Ancient Dyeing

Baruch Sterman, founder of the @Ptil Tekhelet Institute, tells the story of Rav Rabinovitch's pivotal role in the discovery of the tekhelet - and an episode of "The Worst Jobs in History," a 2004-2006 BBC series.

Moses Mendelssohn and the Mimetic Society: Then and Now

Lawrence Kaplan makes a case for Mendelssohn's vision for our time.

Purim and Paul: The Torah Veiled and Unveiled

What do Paul, Purim costumes, and Purim torah all have in common? Yehuda Fogel delves into the meaning of hiddenness and its role in revelation on Purim.

Jewish Theology For a Neo-Traditional Age

Steven Gotlib reviews Yehuda (Jerome) Gellman’s book on neo-traditional Jewish theology.

Should American Orthodox Jews Have Fasted on July 12, 2024?

Yaakov Jaffe and Menachem Butler explore the Halakhot of when fasting is proper and when it’s not.

Joseph and The Imagery of Clothing

Sam Borodach traces the role of clothing throughout the Joseph narrative.

Judaism is About Two Kinds of Love

  Warren Zev Harvey Review of Shai Held, Judaism is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2024). Originally...