When Law Fails Us: Lessons from Rabbinic Responses to Crimes We Cannot Punish for...
Sarah Zager puts #MeToo in conversation with the Talmudic discussion of the death penalty.
Joseph and The Imagery of Clothing
Sam Borodach traces the role of clothing throughout the Joseph narrative.
Pinhas’ Parts: Of Priests, Peace, and Disturbing the Piece
What was the covenant of peace God gave Pinchas? R. Shlomo Zuckier puts the pieces together to find out
Mikra Bikkurim at the Seder: A View from Deuteronomy
Tzvi Sinensky suggests that we can best understand the Haggadah against the backdrop of Sefer Devarim.
Rabbi Warns Jews on Education: Advises Blend of Secular Study
In December 1932, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik had just arrived in Boston and outlined his vision for Orthodox Jewish education in the United States.
Of Deceptions and Conceptions: Rereading Tamar in Light of Rivkah
Sarah Golubtchik suggests that the numerous parallels between the puzzling episode of Yehuda and Tamar and the story of Yaakov, Rivkah, and the Berakhot are the key to unlocking this mysterious episode.
Revisiting Maimonides’s Merkavah Chapters
In this timely piece, David Fried analyzes Maimonides' explanation of the ma'aseh merkavah in light of the Talmud's strictures on its teaching outlined in Hagigah. Fried's analysis reveals how Maimonides changed course from the Aristotelianism that he posited at other points in his career.
Our Hands Did Not Shed This Blood?
Alex Ozar offers an in-depth reading of Eglah Arufah against the backdrop of current events.
The Pregnant Sotah: A Case Study in the Ethics of Abortion
Yisroel Ben-Porat grapples with whether the case of the pregnant Sotah has implications for the debates surrounding abortion.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Theory of Education
In this review of a new book by Aryeh Solomon, Ilan Fuchs explores how for the Lubavitcher Rebbe, teaching and learning are a sacred calling leading toward spiritual growth.