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Can Religious Zionism Do Teshuvah?

...that remains loyal to Rav Kook’s call for teshuvah. Rav Shagar (R. Shimon Gershon Rosenberg), a young soldier at the time of the Yom Kippur War, had a markedly different...

Can You See the Light and the Darkness?

...Mekhon Le-kitvei Ha-Rav Shagar, 2012), 100–109. [8] Ba-yom Ha-hu, 64. [9] Rav Shagar, Le-ha’ir Et Ha-petahim: Derashot U-ma’amarim Le-yemei Hanukkah (Alon Shvut: Mekhon Le-kitvei Ha-Rav Shagar, 2014), 88-93. [10] Sefer...

In Search of Modern Orthodoxy

In introducing his embrace of Rav Shagar, Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl details his personal journey of being initially excited, then disappointed with the writings of our teacher, Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein....

There Is Nothing New Under the Sun: A Reply to Gil Perl

...promotes Rav Shagar’s approach as one way to speak in a postmodern yet faithful voice, advocating both a rejection of objective truth and a pluralism that refuses to assume any...

Tablets Shattered (And Restored?): Jewish Identity Here and Now

...or “Authentic Haredism” of Rav Shagar (R. Shimon Gershon Rosenberg). In an essay entitled “Religious Life in the Modern Age,” Shagar asked a series of questions to his Israeli Religious...

Inside Joke: The Spiritual Genius of Rav Menachem Froman

...a rosh metivta in Yeshivat Siach Yitzchak (founded by R. Shagar and R. Yair Dreyfuss), relates that at the funeral of R. Shagar, Rav Froman got up to speak about...

On Religious Jewish Counterculture in Translation

...last few years. On the other hand, American readers have lately been exposed to a more recent cohort of Israeli rabbis. Foremost among these are Rabbi Shimon Gershon Rosenberg (Shagar)...

Ought Judaism Be Tinkered With?

...alien to the Orthodox world as one might imagine. Rabbi Shimon Gershon Rosenberg (Rav Shagar) expressed a similar idea, recently translated in a new volume. In his words, “faith is...

Theologies of Prayer: Dov Singer and Arthur Green in “Conversation”

...of his primary teachers, Rav Shagar. On the subject of prayer, Shagar writes as follows: I pray, but am I certain that I will be answered? No, I am not...

Poems for a World Built, Destroyed, and Rebuilt

...thought of Nir’s teacher, R. Shimon Gershon Rosenberg (Shagar). Shagar once remarked to Nir that when he, Shagar, had been recovering in a burn ward in Haifa during the war,...