Cultural Migrations of a Hanukkah Pilgrimage

Elli Fischer explores the ideological components of developments in Hanukkah traditions.

A Year in Review – 2022

As 2022 comes to a close, the Lehrhaus team is proud to feature some highlights from our contributions this past year. Yet again, we have published at least one hundred original pieces across a wide variety of genres.

Malbim’s Paean to (Ben Azzai’s) Kantian Ethics

Francis Nataf explores Malbim’s sophisticated engagement with Kantian ethics.

“Miracles Do Not Happen at Every Hour”: Purim Drinking as anti-Christian Polemic

Eliav Grossman examines the Talmud's account of drinking on Purim, reading it as directed at Christian texts and traditions.

Reclaiming the Akeidah from Kierkegaard

David Fried offers a novel reading of the Akeidah.

Shadal, García Márquez, and the Stain of Honor

Daniel Klein on how violence in the Bible plays out in the writings of Shadal and Gabriel Gárcia Márquez

Maimonides at the Museum

David Fried reviews The Golden Path: Maimonides Across Eight Centuries, the companion volume to the Yeshiva University Museum’s exhibit on Maimonides.

The Brachos Bee and Becoming American Orthodox Jews

The Brachos Bee, Zev Eleff argues, shows how Orthodox Jews Americanize and form their own particular religious subculture.

Countering Counter-History: Re-Considering Rav Aharon’s Road Not Taken

Tovah Lichtenstein responds to and critiques Zev Eleff's counter-history, "What if Rav Aharon Had Stayed?"

Rupture and Revelation

Ayelet Wenger weaves together the personal, historical and exegetical in advance of reading Sefer Shemot.