Ode to a Nightingale

A passionate sonnet by Yocheved Friedman in memory of the Rav, zt'l.

The Deed

Yehoshua November's poem movingly and thoughtfully portrays the challenges and pleasures of Chassidic life.

The Poetry of the Land

With masterful translation, Tzvi Novick offers a glimpse of Israeli culture to our English readers.

Ezrat Nashim: Notes on Halakhic Womanhood

Naima Hirsch Gelman provides three powerful poems exploring important themes in halakhic womanhood.


Zohar Atkins presents a new poem on the Akeidah.

Poets Are Purim Jews: On Contemporary Poetry’s Inexplicable Obsession with the Ordinary 

Poet Yehoshua November notices a defining characteristic of contemporary poetry—fixation on the ordinary. In light of Hasidic theology, November argues that appreciation for the holiness of the ordinary underlies Megillat Esther and the celebration of Purim.

Dear Rabbi, Due Too Soon

In her debut poem, Sophia Katz mourns the loss of a local rabbi.

Passover 2020

Harris Bor meditates on the world of Passover in his new poem for the Lehrhaus.

Configurations of Worship

Read Tikva Hecht's powerful poem to enter the world of Elul.

This is not a poem

This is Not a Poem and other soon-to-be-published high holiday poems by Yehiel Poupko.