A Cosmic Puzzle Best Left Unsolved: A Review of Harold Gans’s New Book

Ben Rothke reviews Harold Gans's new book The Cosmic Puzzle: A Scientific Investigation into the Existence of God, asking the question: Is the proof of God best left to the scientific method?

Sin-a-gogue: A Must-Read for the Yamim Noraim

Jennie Rosenfeld reviews David Bashevkin's "Sin-a-gogue: Sin and Failure in Jewish Thought."

Sacred Training: Elevating the Hallowed Art of Healing 

Howard Apfel reviews Sacred Training: A Halakhic Guidebook for Medical Students and Residents.

Animating the Dialogue – A Review of Yeshiva Days: Learning on the Lower East...

Sima Fried reviews Jonathan Boyarin’s Yeshiva Days, illuminating the challenges of examining a community as both an insider and an outsider.

“Turn it and Turn it, for all is in It:” Ilana Kurshan and the...

The most enjoyable feature of the book is the brilliant and creative integration of the daily Talmudic folio Kurshan studies with experiences of her life.

20/20 vision for hilkhot Shabbat: A Glance at Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon’s Newest Sefer

In our saturated environment, can any contemporary work on hilkhot Shabbat break new ground? Ezra Schwartz explains that Rav Rimon's newest work does precisely this.

93Queen: The New Eishes Hayil, Woman of Valor

Naamit Sturm Nagel reviews 93Queen, a documentary about Judge Ruchie Frier and the Hasidic women's ambulance corps that she founded.

The Philosopher and the Mystic?

David Fried reviews Diana Lobel's Moses and Abraham Maimonides: Encountering the Divine, which argues that the categorization of Moses Maimonides as an Aristotelian philosopher and his son Abraham as a Sufi mystic is an oversimplification.

Judaism and Christianity: A Star-Crossed Affair?

Steven Gotlib reviews Eugene Korn’s book on the future of Jewish-Christian relations.

A New Coffee-Table Humash is a Gateway to Academic Biblical Scholarship

As we begin to read Sefer Shemot, Yosef Lindell explores Koren Publishers' new series, The Tanakh of the Land of Israel, the first volume to use Rabbi Sacks’ Humash translation.