Personal Autonomy in the Thought of R. Nachum Eliezer Rabinovitch

Can individual autonomy be reconciled with the practice of Halakhah? It can and must, insisted Rav Nachum Rabinovich zz"l. In honor of Rav Rabinovich's sheloshim this past Thursday, David Silverstein explains.

The Ending of All Endings: In memory of my Zeida, Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm,...

Tova Warburg Sinensky shares her stirring eulogy for her Zeida Dr. Norman Lamm zz"l, offering a glimpse of her grandfather's unyielding support of his granddaughter, then a young lady searching for a deeper connection with God.

“Everyman’s Gadol”: An Appreciation of Rav Dovid Feinstein zt”l

Zvi Romm, a Rav on the Lower East Side for the last eighteen years, shares insights into the unexpected and remarkably democratic personality of the Rosh Yeshiva.

Hesped for Ha-Rav Yehuda Herzl Henkin, Ztz”l

Rav Da'vid Sperling, Rosh Beit Midrash at Nishmat and long-time student of Rav Yehuda Herzl Henkin Ztz"l, shares his eulogy from the funeral of his Rav.

Shadal: Translated, Elucidated, and Uncensored at Last

Martin Lockshin reviews Daniel A. Klein’s translation of Samuel David Luzzatto’s commentary on the Book of Vayikra, the latest volume in Klein’s project to translate all of Shadal’s insightful and ever-interesting Torah commentary.

Confronting Biblical Criticism: A Review Essay

Marc B. Shapiro reviews a new edited volume by Yoram Hazony, Gil Student, and Alex Sztuden that offers a traditional defense of revelation in light of modern biblical criticism.

Rabbi Sacks: From Anglo-Jewry to Chief Rabbi of the World

Drawing upon his expertise in Anglo-Jewish history, Benjamin Elton traces the intellectual journey and career of the late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks zt"l. As a brilliant young scholar, Rabbi Sacks rose to prominence through the British Chief Rabbinate, but he transcended that role to become a global phenomenon.

Exhuming the Rav from his Procrustean Sarcophagus: The “Mesorah Speech” Reconsidered

Moshe Simon-Shoshan sheds new light on the Rav's approach to pluralism and academic Jewish studies.
Moses Mendelssohn

Moses Mendelssohn and the Orthodox Mind

Zev Eleff and Menachem Butler explore the reception of Moses Mendelssohn in American Orthodox Judaism, focusing on a curious commotion surrounding the bicentennial of Mendelssohn's death

Rav Lichtenstein on Wissenschaft in his Own (Yiddish) Words

Shlomo Zuckier presents Rav Aharon Lichtenstein's own thoughts on academic Talmud.