The “Essentials” of Orthodox Judaism

Dr. Chaim Trachtman explores the role of essentialism within Orthodox Judaism

Divinity Redefined- Review of Christine Hayes, What’s Divine About Divine Law?: Early Perspectives

Rabbi Daniel Reifman reviews Christine Hayes' Whats Divine about Divine Law?

Making Expertise Available to Women: A Programmatic Agenda for Advanced Torah Study

Rabbi Judah Goldberg offers his suggestions to raise the bar of advanced Torah study for women.

Will Day School Be Affordable Again?

Rafi Eis offers suggestions to solve the day school tuition crisis.

“Doctor, I Need My Rabbi”: How can Halakhah be Practical in Medical Ethics?

Zackary Sholem Berger Reviews Rabbi Jason Weiner's Jewish Guide to Practical Medical Decision Making.

Digital Discourse and the Democratization of Jewish Learning

Zev Eleff draws on lessons of nineteenth century print culture to help grapple with the Digital Age.

Pesah and Shavuot, Or: Emancipation and Freedom

Jerome Marcus explores understandings of freedom within halakhah and how they relate to Pesah and Shavuot

Leviticus, Leonard Cohen, and the Paradox of Rest

Sarah Rindner asks what the Book of Leviticus, Leonard Cohen and the Liberty Bell all have in common.

Rabbi Ozer Glickman: Reflections of a Talmid

Ariel Rackovsky reflects on the unique perspective and variegated legacy of Rabbi Ozer Glickman.

Prayer in an Age of Distraction

Zachary Truboff considers the experience of prayer, and what two recent publications on Tefillah emerging from the Religious Zionist community contribute.