Celebrating Women’s Talmud and Acknowledging its Opponents

Rabbi Leonard Matanky reflects on Rabbi Saul Berman's account of the Rav's 1977 Stern College Talmud shiur and Orthodox Judaism's & slippery slope complex.

Modern Orthodoxy is a Swing State

As this election season draws to a close at last, Zev Eleff crunches the numbers on the Modern Orthodox vote—a demographic whose politics are not so easy to pin down.

Purim and the Joke of Jewish Sovereignty

Zach Truboff argues that Purim reminds us of our vulnerability even with the State of Israel.

Listening to Women’s Voices

In response to Sruli Besser's recent Mishpacha article, Sarah Rudolph suggests that his position was at odds with Judaism's midrashic tradition.

When Things Go Back to Normal

Given the duration of the pandemic, should we suffice with waiting to return to normal, or are there hard-fought lesssons we can reintroduce even once the pandemic passes? Lehrhaus Consulting Editor and Director of Education at Sefaria, Sara Wolkenfeld, uses our recent experiences to gain new perspective on what tefilla, minyan and shul are really all about.

Halakhah: Navigating Between Unity and Plurality

Aaron Segal reviews Staying Human by Harris Bor.

Moses Mendelssohn and the Mimetic Society: Then and Now

Lawrence Kaplan makes a case for Mendelssohn's vision for our time.

A New Coffee-Table Humash is a Gateway to Academic Biblical Scholarship

As we begin to read Sefer Shemot, Yosef Lindell explores Koren Publishers' new series, The Tanakh of the Land of Israel, the first volume to use Rabbi Sacks’ Humash translation.

Orthodoxy’s Response to Biblical Criticism: A Review of Joshua Berman’s Ani Maamin

Joshua Berman, a leading Tanakh scholar, has written a compelling book that addresses head-on many of the challenges posed by biblical criticism. Michael Harris explains.

Not in the Market for a Gadol

Wendy Amsellem While I greatly enjoyed reading Chaim Saiman’s thoughtful essay, “The Market for Gedolim: A Tale of Supply and Demand,” nothing about it made...