Killing Off the Rav (So He May Live)

William Kolbrener calls for an end to Rav-polemicizing so that all interested parties might finally take his legacy and teachings at full-depth.

Facts are Like Fish: A Response to The Arrival of Rabbi Soloveitchik in America:...

Dr. Tovah Lichtenstein responds to the details of the previously published Rav timeline.

The Pedagogical Imagination of a Subversive Conservative: Rabbi Soloveitchik’s Arrival as an Educational Visionary

Jeffrey Saks concludes The Lehrhaus series, mapping out the intellectual biography of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik

On the Educational Mission of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik

Seth Farber explores the Rav's 1932 in local Boston historical context.

Feeling “Off” on Yom Haatzmaut

So many of the most exciting developments in Jewish thought, explains Ariel Rackovsky, are occurring in Israel. Are American Jews sufficiently aware of them?


William Kolbrener offers insight into the intellectual underpinnings of the Rav's 1932 interview recently re-published by The Lehrhaus.

Rabbi Warns Jews on Education: Advises Blend of Secular Study

In December 1932, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik had just arrived in Boston and outlined his vision for Orthodox Jewish education in the United States.

The Arrival of Rabbi Soloveitchik in America: A Documentary Report

Yisrael Kashkin and Jeffrey Saks provide a timeline for the Rav's American arrival.

Chosenness and Bias in the Jewish Community

Alan Kadish offers a vision for how Orthodox Jews should think about "chosenness."

Hamilton and the Orthodox Underdog

Alex Fleksher explores the intersection between Hamilton and the ba'al teshuvah experience.