Jewish Law

What is Jewish Law? Uncovering a Debate between the Tur and the Ran

Lehrhaus Editor Shlomo Zuckier examines two divergent understandings of Jewish law.

What Does Pursuing Tzedek Actually Entail?

In its opening verses, Parshat Shoftim describes a judicial system that enshrines pursuing Tzedek, or justice, as a core value. Benjamin Barer unpacks a Gemara in Sanhedrin that provides three distinct conceptions of the obligation to pursue justice, suggesting how we might build a more sacred society.

Hevel: The Journey of an Intangible Word

Benjamin Barer traces the word Hevel through Jewish texts, showing how the use of the same word can teach us both about the wisdom of Kohelet we read this past Shabbat and the character of Hevel who we will read about in this week's Parashah.

Surrender or Struggle? The Akeidah Reconsidered

Herzl Hefter provides critical perspective on a stream of Akeidah interpretation from Kierkegaard to the Rav

Jacob’s Silence and the Rape of Dinah

Ari Silbermann examines one of the most traumatic events in the Torah.

Reeding Between the Lines: Parallels Across the Yam Suf and Baby Moshe Narratives

Ben Greenfield examines the curious parallels between the stories of Moshe in the ark and the splitting of the sea.

Re-reading Bereishit: A Review of David Fohrman’s New Book

Tammy Jacobowitz reviews David Forman's latest book, a companion to Sefer Bereishit, and finds engaging, instructive literary analysis that pulls new insights from familiar stories.

In God We Trust or Do We? The Fears of Isaac and Jacob

Meshulam Gotlieb analyzes a midrash on Jacob's ladder dream to understand Jacob's lifelong fear, how he became so fearful and how it affected his life.

Noah and the Trauma of Heroic Destiny

Sruli Fruchter examines the story not often told about Noah—the trauma inflicted by immense responsibility amidst immense destruction.
binding of isaac

Some Thoughts on the Binding of Isaac

Jerome Marcus on the Akeidah: It's not about ethics vs. divine command, but about Hashem versus Elokim!