Shades of White: A Fresh Look at Lavan’s Relationship With Yaakov

Yitzchak Etshalom comments on the relationship between Lavan and Yaakov.

Peshat and Beyond: How the Hasidic Masters Read the Torah

Batya Hefter uses the case of Isaac to illuminate how hasidic masters read the Bible.

Avraham’s Test of Loyalty

Mark Glass puts the Akeidah in conversation with the surrounding narratives of the book of Genesis.

Reclaiming the Akeidah from Kierkegaard

David Fried offers a novel reading of the Akeidah.

The “Genesis” of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Eileen Watts examines the similarities between Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Rav Soloveitchik's Lonely Man of Faith.

Does Peri Etz Hadar Mean Etrog?

David Moster explores the meaning of Peri Etz Hadar.

Our Hands Did Not Shed This Blood?

Alex Ozar offers an in-depth reading of Eglah Arufah against the backdrop of current events.

The Reward for Honoring Our Parents

Ezra Sivan challenges our understanding of the fifth commandment and all of Sefer Devarim.

Revealed yet Concealed: the Meaning of Aseret Ha-Dibrot

Yosef Lindell explores the true nature of the Aseret ha-Dibrot.

Grief, Gratitude and … Grapes? Tears on Tishah Be-Av as Tools of Tikun and...

Steven Weiner writes on the significance of tears on Tishah Be-Av and how they relate to the thanks of birkat ha-mazon.