The Pregnant Sotah: A Case Study in the Ethics of Abortion

Yisroel Ben-Porat grapples with whether the case of the pregnant Sotah has implications for the debates surrounding abortion.

Liturgical Repetition: When Singing Becomes Sacrilegious

With the High Holidays approaching, a time iconic for its songful liturgy, Moshe Kurtz scrutinizes the practice of cantors repeating words during davening.

Star-Spangled Synagogue: Do National Flags Belong in Our Houses of Worship?

On this flag day, Moshe Kurtz surveys the arguments for and against displaying national flags in synagogues.

Wanted: Precision, Nuance, and Avodat Hashem

Jeffrey Woolf contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Letter to the Editor: Response to Leead Staller on Euthanasia

Can Halakhah really countenance euthanasia? Alan Jotkowitz responds to Leead Staller

Judaism’s Hidden Road to Character

What do the wisdom of traditional Jewish texts and the recent findings of modern psychology have in common? Marc Eichenbaum finds commonalities in both to promote a character-driven approach to Jewish education.

When Law Fails Us: Lessons from Rabbinic Responses to Crimes We Cannot Punish for...

Sarah Zager puts #MeToo in conversation with the Talmudic discussion of the death penalty.

Letters to the Editor: Responses to Michael Broyde on Abortion

Two letters to the editor provide alternative perspectives on the question of what Jewish law wants American abortion law to be.

On the Lomdus of the OU Responsum

Chaim Twerski contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

The Forgotten Mourners

What is the halakhic status of those mourning the loss of their parents-in-law? Aaron Ross, inspired by his personal experience, grapples with the lack of formal aveilut rituals for non-biological relatives.