Tags Poetry

Tag: Poetry

Contemporary Poetry and Mystical Intimacy 

Award-winning poet Yehoshua November offers his thoughts on the connection between mystical intimacy and poetry.

Words Winged With Light

Jeffrey Saks explores the works of the blind Israeli poet, Erez Biton.

What Did the Heavenly Ministers Do?

Zohar Atkins offers poetic reflections on Tisha be-Av on high.

The Poetry of the Land

With masterful translation, Tzvi Novick offers a glimpse of Israeli culture to our English readers.

Three Sonnets

Jeffrey Burghauser's three poems draw on the biblical and rabbinic imagination.

Two Pieces on Terumah

The poetry of the Mishkan: Abe Mezrich mines Parshat Terumah for its poetic potential.

A Night of Watching in the House of the Rav

Bezalel Naor translates and contextualizes a poem by Pinchas Peli about the home of Rav Kook.