Tags Mourning

Tag: mourning

Lost and Found

In this story, Devorah Talia Gordon writes about a young woman seeking to reclaim her inheritance after experiencing the loss of a loved one.

The Shofar as a Mekonenet, a Singer of Laments

  Rebecca Cypess As the only musical instrument used in modern Jewish liturgy, the shofar possesses a humble form. Halakhah forbids the modification of the shofar’s...

Yom Teruah

In this poem, Avi Schild reflects on the source of the blasting cry we hear on Rosh Hashanah.

“Filling In” and “The Poet of Auschwitz”

Two new poems by Temima Weissmann address national calamities, both past and present.

Learning To Let Go

A new poem by Janet Kirchheimer, on losing a father.

Thoughts on a Death

In this personal reflection, Phil Lieberman addresses the unique pain that accompanies the loss of an abusive parent and considers the uneasy coherence of this pain with Jewish traditions of mourning.

קינה לשלום המדינה

In an original Hebrew poem, Shoshanah Haberman addresses the crisis in Israel and Gaza, mourns the dead, and prays for the future.

When Kaddish Becomes Currency: Mapping Out the Mechanics of Merit

Moshe Kurtz explores several halakhic questions concerning the recitation of kaddish for the deceased, all of which point to a larger discussion about how one can confer merit on someone else.

Mi-Simhah Le-Yagon, Mi-Yom Tov Le-Eivel: The Changing Meaning of Sefirat Ha-Omer

Leead Staller explores the connection between Sefira practices and Hol Ha-moed.

“For These Things I Weep”: Psychological Readings of Lamentations

In time for Tisha Be-Av, Marc Eichenbaum offers a meaningful new reading of Eikha using modern psychological concepts like grief, trauma, and narrative construction.