Tags Kafka

Tag: Kafka

Elijah’s Elusive Cup and the Challenge of Memory

James Diamond takes a fresh approach to Maimonides's Passover theology and "Elijah's Cup."
Nicole Krauss

A Return to Jewish Roots in Nicole Krauss’ Forest Dark

The question of whether or not your writing is Jewish is not up to you, because writing ultimately belongs to the reader. Krauss’ avatar answers Ozick perfectly: “Jewish literature would have to wait, as all Jewish things wait for a perfection that in our hearts we don’t really want to come.” In the end, perhaps all we can do is kvetch and vacillate between different answers to the question of what is Jewish literature—because, of course, the answer was never the point.

Playing Dreidel with Kafka and Rabbi Nahman

Joey Rosenfeld takes Kafka and Rav Nahman for a spin, on their timely drey-ing of the tops!