Tags Isaiah

Tag: Isaiah

Aspects of My Father’s Philosophy of Jewish History

This essay by Aaron Zeitlin—originally published in Yiddish in 1967 and translated here into English by Daniel Kraft—explores Aaron’s father Hillel Zeitlin’s approach to anti-semitism by way of the Book of Jonah.

Laughter in the Face of Tragedy: The Enduring Resistance of Rabbi...

Miriam Zami’s essay, runner-up to Hadar's annual Ateret Zvi Prize, uncovers the political and theological resistance of Rabbi Akiva’s laughter in the wake of the destruction of the Temple.

A Time to Mourn: Aveilut as Minor Holiday

Ben Greenfield’s essay, winner of Hadar's annual Ateret Zvi Prize, explores why Hazal chose to situate Hilkhot Aveilut in tractate Moed Katan.

“Let Truth Spring Up from the Ground”: Truth’s Changing Role Throughout...

Natan Oliff explores the evolving role of truth throughout Tanakh and later Jewish history.

Israel’s Light: A Response to Rabbi Meir Soloveichik

Rafi Eis responds to Meir Soloveichik on the role of Jews and Judaism in today's political climate.

Our Hands Did Not Shed This Blood?

Alex Ozar offers an in-depth reading of Eglah Arufah against the backdrop of current events.

Yom Kippur, Fasting, and the Poor: Considering the Message of Isaiah...

With Yom Kippur in view, Shlomo Zuckier presents a close reading of Isaiah 58.