Tags Halakhah
Tag: Halakhah
Intention and Inquiry: A Halakhic Case for Ta’amei Ha-Mitzvot
The study of ta’amei ha-mitzvot—the rationales underlying commandments—is a popular source of spiritual meaning, but does it also have relevance to halakhic practice? Dovid Campbell explores an intergenerational rabbinic debate regarding the relationship of ta’amei ha-mitzvot and the requirement to perform mitzvot with a proper intention.
A Philosophical Reflection on the Halakhification of Warfare
Alex Ozar explores wartime law in the Rambam.
How to Feel “Sight Damage”: A Case Study on Sensory Imagination...
Yonah Lavery-Yisraeli offers a careful examination of an enigmatic discussion in the Shulhan Arukh’s laws on neighborly relations. She demonstrates how “radical presence” and attention to sensory details is an essential strategy for halakhic decision-making.
Reclaiming the Classical Sephardic Tradition: Tracing its Origins and Evolution
Avi Garson traces the rise and fall of the classical Sephardic tradition and calls for a renewed return to its fundamental principles.
To Be, or Not to Be, a Holy People
Steven Gotlib reviews Eugene Korn’s To Be a Holy People: Jewish Tradition and Ethical Values, a book which asks hard questions about whether Halakhah can integrate with the demands of contemporary ethics.
A Year in Review – 2022
As 2022 comes to a close, the Lehrhaus team is proud to feature some highlights from our contributions this past year. Yet again, we have published at least one hundred original pieces across a wide variety of genres.
Demystifying R. Eliezer Waldenberg on Sex Reassignment Surgery
Tzvi Sinensky carefully examines the Tzitz Eliezer’s view on sexual reassignment surgery.
The Instagram Rebranding of Taharat ha-Mishpahah
Recent years have seen dramatic changes in the packaging of Taharat ha-Mishpahah education on Instagram, from video reels to influencers to new, diverse online communities. Lindsey Bodner offers an astute, well-researched review of this new paradigm shift in Taharat ha-Mishpahah education today.
The Directional Shaking of the Lulav: Bible, Mysticism, and Religious Polemics
Yaakov Jaffe traces the origins and evolution of the custom to shake the lulav in different directions.