The Pedagogical Imagination of a Subversive Conservative: Rabbi Soloveitchik’s Arrival as an Educational Visionary

Jeffrey Saks concludes The Lehrhaus series, mapping out the intellectual biography of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik

Does Lying Make You A Liar? On Truth And Truthfulness in Rabbinic Thinking

Alex Ozar catalogues types of truthfulness in rabbinic literature.

Refusing to Bury Family Members of a Get Refuser: A Dramatic Step With Longstanding...

Ari Elias-Bachrach examines the Israel Cheif Rabbi's recent decision not to bury the mother of a get-refuser.

Four Days of Kristallnacht in Hessen

Stephen Denker reconstructs Bert Katz's experience of Kristallnacht in Nentershausen.

“I Am Building a City”: A Reflection for Agnon’s 50th Yahrtzeit

50 years after his passing, Agnon is as relevant as ever. Agnon expert and Lehrhaus Consulting Editor Jeffrey Saks explains.

Can We Learn from Jonah’s Happiness?

Beth Kissileff on the book of Jonah and its relevance on Sukkot.

Moses Mendelssohn

Moses Mendelssohn and the Orthodox Mind

Zev Eleff and Menachem Butler explore the reception of Moses Mendelssohn in American Orthodox Judaism, focusing on a curious commotion surrounding the bicentennial of Mendelssohn's death

Reclaiming the Akeidah from Kierkegaard

David Fried offers a novel reading of the Akeidah.

Rebuke, Repentance, and Renewal: A Literary Analysis of David’s Character in II Samuel 12

Natan Levin examines King David’s character through a close reading of his narratives in the Book of Samuel.

Outside Help in the Teshuvah Process

With Hoshanah Rabbah today and the theme of repentance in mind, Jack Cohen explores the role that outsiders play in one's teshuva process through an enigmatic midrash instructing one to return a person to themselves.