Shavuot: The Wakeup Call
Batya Hefter explores a Hasidic understanding of “Sinai consciousness” and proposes a way to re-experience it on Shavuot.
The Customs of Sefirah aren’t about Mourning. They are about Quarantine.
Ben Greenfield looks at the similarity between Sefirah observances and quarantine, and suggests a new way to understand the connection.
Sharpening the Definition of Holeh Lefanenu: The Diamond Princess and the Limits of Quarantine
Sharon Galper Grossman and Shamai A. Grossman, leading doctors writing from quarantine, explain why even the Noda be-Yehuda, who requires that the sick person be before us, would agree that a public health crisis is subject to the leniencies of pikuah nefesh.
Finding Meaning in Determinism: How Jewish Thinkers Reconcile the Contradiction between Determinism and Human...
Natan Oliff looks at the various ways Jewish thinkers have found meaning in determinism.
The Torah of Rashbi and the Healing of the World
Eli Rubin presents a stirring passage from the Zohar, with the Lubavitcher Rebbe's commentary.
Reclaiming Lag ba-Omer
Rav Ronen Neuwirth suggests that the strictures of social distancing enable us to reduce this year's Lag BaOmer bonfires - which he sees as a very good thing.
How Will We Recognize Shabbat?
Gabriel Greenberg looks at a Talmudic passage on what to do when you don’t know which day is Shabbat and the insights it provides for our current situation.
Did the Prophet Amos Predict the Women’s Siyum Daf Yomi?
Yaakov Jaffe explains how Biblical grammar and parables come together in Amos to teach us about women's Talmud Torah.
When Synagogues Reopen, May the Congregation Permit a Bar Mitzvah Boy to Make Up...
When Synagogues Reopen, May the Congregation Permit a Bar Mitzvah Boy to Make Up His Torah Reading? Moshe Kurtz weighs in.
“A Cruel Loss to Judaism in America”: Solomon Hurwitz, Torah u-Madda Day School Pioneer
Whom did the Spanish Flu take from our community 100 years ago? Zev Eleff introduces us to the forgotten legacy of Solomon Hurwitz, the founding principal of Yeshiva University's boys' high school, and a pioneer of Torah U-madda.