Inside Joke: The Spiritual Genius of Rav Menachem Froman
Josh Rosenfeld delves into the world of Rabbi Menachem Froman.
The Haunted Yeshivah: Abaye and the Torah of ADHD
Elli Fischer examines the interplay between Talmudic Halakhah and Aggadah.
Tasting the World to Come: A Novel Interpretation of Tzidkatkha Tzedek
Noam Stadlan offers a heartfelt reinterpretation of Tzidkatkha Tzedek.
The Voice and the Sword: A Meta-Narrative in Rashi
Dan Jutan locates a fascinating meta-narrative within Rashi's commentary.
Selflessness and the Self in the Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Yosef Bronstein explores the thought of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe.
The Giving of the Torah and the Beginning of Eternity: Reflections on Revelation, Innovation,...
Eli Rubin reflects on the meaning of revelation, innovation, and history at the giving of the Torah.
Rabbi Yehudah Ha-Levi’s Love Song on Jewish Self-Identification for the 7th day of Pesah
Yaakov Jaffe explores Yehuda Ha-Levi's Yom Le-Yabasha.
When Satmar Censored the Hatam Sofer
William Gewirtz continues to offer his thoughts on the meaning of bein ha-shemashot.
Hasidim and Academics Debate a Rebbe’s Faith during the Holocaust (on Facebook, of all...
Henry Abramson debates Shaul Magid on the faith of the Aish Kodesh.
The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part IV: Arthur Green and Conclusion
Ariel Evan Mayse concludes his four-part discussion with the works of Arthur Green and the future of the Neo-Hasidism.