Searching for the Vatican’s Menorah

Tzvi Sinensky on the lost Menorah, the Vatican theory, and the ideology of the search and mythology.

Review of Yehuda Landy: Purim and the Persian Empire

Mitchell First reviews Yehuda Landy's Purim and the Persian Empire.

Man is not God: The Limits of Imitatio Dei

David Fried clarifies the concept of imitating God through Rashi's oft-neglected reading of “It is not good for man to be alone”

The Directional Shaking of the Lulav: Bible, Mysticism, and Religious Polemics

Yaakov Jaffe traces the origins and evolution of the custom to shake the lulav in different directions.

Autonomy Comes Apart, the Mesorah Cannot Hold:Rav Soloveitchik’s Afterlife in the 21st Century

Levi Morrow reviews four new books that examine and apply the thought of R. Joseph B. Solovetichik of blessed memory. Image: below

Purim and Paul: The Torah Veiled and Unveiled

What do Paul, Purim costumes, and Purim torah all have in common? Yehuda Fogel delves into the meaning of hiddenness and its role in revelation on Purim.

Does Lying Make You A Liar? On Truth And Truthfulness in Rabbinic Thinking

Alex Ozar catalogues types of truthfulness in rabbinic literature.

Miriam’s Song and the Persistence of Music in Dark Times

Why did the women bring musical instruments out of Egypt? In her first Lehrhaus article, musicologist Rebecca Cypess draws a fascinating historical analogy between biblical and African-American slavery to shed light on the Exodus in Jewish tradition.

Hanukkah or Hanoch-ah: Illuminating the Origins and Trajectory of an Apocalyptic Holiday

In his latest for the Lehrhaus, Aton Holzer sheds light on the hidden roots of Hanukkah–exploring the political and theological meaning of the holiday from the Second Temple period through the Talmud.

The Philosopher King and the Poet Messiah: Hellenic and Hebrew Republics Compared

In this essay, written in honor of Yom Yerushalayim, Bezalel Naor explores the differing visions for the ideal state held by Plato and the Rabbis, Maimonides and Rabbi Nahman of Breslov.