No Assembly Required: The Individualized Aspects of the Shalosh Regalim
Michael Bernstein examines how the individual experience is ironically incorporated into holidays that are all about the community.
Torat Hashem Heftzo: Finding Wonder in Torah Study
Rabbi Kenneth Brander, head of Ohr Torah Stone, explores what the daily blessing on Talmud Torah can teach us about how to foster religious continuity.
Ve-Atah Banim Shiru La-Melekh – People Over Angels on Shavuot
What can a medieval piyut (and famous modern chassidic tune) teach us about people's superiority over angels? Yitzchak Szyf explores how our Shavuot liturgy proclaims man's partnership with God in Torah.
Shavuot: The Wakeup Call
Batya Hefter explores a Hasidic understanding of “Sinai consciousness” and proposes a way to re-experience it on Shavuot.
‘May Memories Rise’- On the Meaning of ‘Ya’aleh ve-Yavo’
Ben Lorber reflects on the meaning of ya'aleh ve-yavo.
Shavuot: Zeman Mattan Torateinu?
Matt Lubin reflects on the holiday of Shavuot.
The Giving of the Torah and the Beginning of Eternity: Reflections on Revelation, Innovation,...
Eli Rubin reflects on the meaning of revelation, innovation, and history at the giving of the Torah.
Good Flies Out of its Prison
Abe Mezrich presents a poem on the Book of Ruth.
The Reward for Honoring Our Parents
Ezra Sivan challenges our understanding of the fifth commandment and all of Sefer Devarim.
Revealed yet Concealed: the Meaning of Aseret Ha-Dibrot
Yosef Lindell explores the true nature of the Aseret ha-Dibrot.