Revolution in the Temple

Through a careful reading of the Tosefta and its parallels, David Matar argues that Hillel led the Pharisaic faction to a populist victory over the Sadducean priests over the matter of offering the Pesach Sacrifice on Shabbat.

Peshat and Beyond: The Emergence of A Reluctant Leader

Batya Hefter explores Moses' development as a leader

Fellowship from Plague: Lessons from Passover

Ezra Sivan follows up last year's piece about how the Exodus leveled social boundaries with an article about what the Pesah story teaches us about social distancing today.

Imagining Passover

As we prepare for Passover, enjoy these three poems by Bruce Black meditating on the past, present, and future of our Exodus.

By Whose Blood Do We Live?

Jon Kelsen uncovers a deeper rabbinic meaning to the blood needed to "passover" the Israelites.

The Passover Pandemic

In a piece that resonates today, Tzvi Sinensky examines what made the Jews' salvation from the plague of the firstborns so miraculous.

Making Seder Out of the Zoom Seder Controversy

Shlomo Zuckier surveys and analyzes the debate over Zoom Seders during coronavirus.

“Our Bread of Isolation” 

How can we respond to a Seder during which it is prohibited to host guests? Yitzchak Etshalom and David Block each offer unique tefillot to be recited at our Seder table this year.

Who Knows? Jewish Leadership in Times of Uncertainty

"Who Knows" seems to have become a recurring question for so many of us. Erica Brown shares personal and biblical reflections on the meaning of this phrase for the age of coronavirus.