Beyond Perfect Repentance

Eliezer Finkelman discusses the meaning of perfect repentance.

Beyond Holocaust Time

Eli Rubin reviews Alan Rosen's The Holocaust’s Jewish Calendars: Keeping Time Sacred, Making Time Holy.

Homes Without Hate and Praying With Sinners

Jerome Marcus comments on the connection between davening with sinners and playing politics.

Shavuot: Zeman Mattan Torateinu?

Matt Lubin reflects on the holiday of Shavuot.

The Giving of the Torah and the Beginning of Eternity: Reflections on Revelation, Innovation,...

Eli Rubin reflects on the meaning of revelation, innovation, and history at the giving of the Torah.

Between “Reid” and Learning: Behag on Sefirat Ha-Omer

Tzvi Sinensky comments on the pitfalls of being overly dependent on the "Talmudic reid."

Rebbe Shimon Opened

Joey Rosenfeld discusses the inner meanings of Lag Ba-Omer.

Good Flies Out of its Prison

Abe Mezrich presents a poem on the Book of Ruth.

Catching up to Israel: A Yom Ha’atzmaut Reflection on the Post-Pesah Parshah Gap

Shmuel Hain comments on the leap year parshah-gap between Israel and the Diaspora.

Rabbi Yehudah Ha-Levi’s Love Song on Jewish Self-Identification for the 7th day of Pesah

Yaakov Jaffe explores Yehuda Ha-Levi's Yom Le-Yabasha.