Yatziv Pitgam: Poetry as Talmud Commentary

How should we understand Yatziv Pitgam, the enigmatic poem recited in the Haftarah for the second day of Shavuot? Tzvi Novick’s close reading reveals it to be a paean to the Torah and those who study it.

Modern Orthodox Jews Should Be Trailblazers in Holocaust Education

As we commemorate Yom HaShoah, Shay Pilnik urges us to add a Modern Orthodox voice to a discourse increasingly dominated by secular perspectives.

Queen Aster and Queen Esther

Ariel Clark Silver describes how Queen Esther’s story inspired women’s rights activist Louisa May Alcott’s short fable of an Aster who wisely ruled the kingdom of the flowers.

Between “Reid” and Learning: Behag on Sefirat Ha-Omer

Tzvi Sinensky comments on the pitfalls of being overly dependent on the "Talmudic reid."

Why Do We Deserve God’s Favor?

Ezra Sivan probes the Sabbath and the Torah's call to love God.

Steely Dan and Rosh Hashanah

Ari Lamm offers a retrospective on the music of Steely Dan and its significance for Rosh Hashanah.

“Our Bread of Isolation” 

How can we respond to a Seder during which it is prohibited to host guests? Yitzchak Etshalom and David Block each offer unique tefillot to be recited at our Seder table this year.

Ivri Anochi: A Tribute to the Paradox of Jewish Pride

Shlomo Zuckier takes a closer look at the cultural and theological underpinnings of this hit new Orthodox music video.

Hollow Land

Zohar Atkins shares a few poetic excerpts in honor of Tishah be-Av

Written and Sealed (and Stamped) in the Book of Life

We will all be much more distant from each other this Rosh Hashanah. That’s why, argues Ranana Dine, it’s time to revive the tradition of sending physical greeting cards.