The Realities of Religious Accommodation in the Workplace: A Recent Case and a Cause...
Michael (Avi) Helfand offers an analysis of the legal battle between Susan Abeles’s and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA).
The Modern Orthodox Vote and the Episcopalian Turn
Why do Orthodox Jews vote the way they do? Zev Eleff builds a case, using some unconventional data.
Our Current Political Station: Might This Be Modern Orthodoxy’s Moment?
Chaim Saiman suggests that, in the midst of a political transition, we may be on the brink of a "Modern Orthodox Moment."
Rupture and Revelation
Ayelet Wenger weaves together the personal, historical and exegetical in advance of reading Sefer Shemot.
The Modern Orthodox Women’s Agenda, the Eighties, and Bottom-Up Opposition
Zev Eleff tells the story of "Orthodox women's issues" in the 1980s and its impact on today's religious scene.
Talking To and About God
Ari Lamm on the Bat Kol in rabbinic literature and its implications for Orthodox discourse
And Even If Parents Are Present …
Continuing the Yitzhak paradigm, Rabbi Yaakov Bieler offers another perspective on the nuances of Jewish education.
The Rabbi-Kid Dilemma: Another Angle
Zev Eleff responds to Elli Fischer's provocative commentary from yesterday, offering another side on the issue of rabbis' (and everyone else's) children.
The Patron Saint of Rabbis’ Kids
The father heard the voice of God, Elli Fischer explains, but the son ends up with the blade on his neck.
Rebbe Without Walls: The Slonimer Sensation
Tzvi Sinensky on The Slonimer's contemporary popularity