Authors Posts by Sara Wolkenfeld
Sara Wolkenfeld
Duplicity at Sinai
Why does the Tosefta accuse the Jews of being deceitful at Sinai? Worse still, why is God portrayed as being complicit in their deception? Ahead of Shavuot, Sara Wolkenfeld explains.
When Things Go Back to Normal
Given the duration of the pandemic, should we suffice with waiting to return to normal, or are there hard-fought lesssons we can reintroduce even once the pandemic passes? Lehrhaus Consulting Editor and Director of Education at Sefaria, Sara Wolkenfeld, uses our recent experiences to gain new perspective on what tefilla, minyan and shul are really all about.
Imagining Ourselves Into the Beit Midrash
Sara Tillinger Wolkenfeld offers a reflection on the role of imagination in bringing about the recent women's Siyyum ha-Shas.
Schools Need Leadership, Too: The OU and Day School Education
Sara Wolkenfeld contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.