Authors Posts by Jackie Frankel Yaakov

Jackie Frankel Yaakov

Jackie Frankel Yaakov
Jackie Frankel Yaakov is the worldwide Director of Leadership Gifts of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies. Jackie made aliyah over fifteen years ago knowing that she wanted to come to Israel and make a positive difference in the future of the Jewish people as a proud non-profit professional and researcher of the arts, culture and education. She is originally from the Chicago suburbs. Jackie holds a BFA with honors in Theater from New York University, an Executive MPA from Columbia University, and completed a MA thesis in the Art History Department at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Before moving to Israel, Jackie worked for a variety of non-profits in NYC, including the Public Theater – New York Shakespeare Festival and the Office of the President at Columbia University. In Israel, she has worked with non-profits from Haifa to Jerusalem, most recently serving as the USA Donor Affairs Liaison in the International Relations Division at Yad Vashem. Jackie and her husband live in Jerusalem with their four children.

Edwin Salomon’s ‘Like Animals’ Existential Art: A Retrospective in honor of his 10th Yahrzeit

In honor of his tenth yahrtzheit, art historian Jackie Frankel Yaakov explores the art of Jewish Israeli artist Edwin Salomon (1935-2014). She argues that he was able to embrace his own expressionistic, Surrealism-evoking style when these approaches were marginalized in the Israeli art, shedding light on the ways he processed his experiences in the Holocaust and as a new immigrant to Israel.

Edwin Salomon’s ‘Like Animals’ Existential Art: A Retrospective in honor of his 10th Yahrzeit

In honor of his tenth yahrtzheit, art historian Jackie Frankel Yaakov explores the art of Jewish Israeli artist Edwin Salomon (1935-2014). She argues that he was able to embrace an own expressionistic, Surrealism-evoking style when these approaches were marginalized in the Israeli art, shedding light on the ways he processed his experiences in the Holocaust and as a new immigrant to Israel.