Tags Synagogue

Tag: Synagogue

The Metaphysical Balance Of The Universe

Mel Waldman’s poem reflects on the delicate balance between faith and doubt in a world filled with challenges.

“Endless Light” and Boundless Soul

A review of Yehoshua November’s The Concealment of Endless Light.

Why Can’t Selihot Be More Like Kinot?

Yosef Lindell argues that the explanatory Kinot model, where fewer prayers are said but they are delved into in more depth, should be adopted for reciting Selihot.

Do Children Belong in Shul?

Moshe Kurtz explores halakhic and hashkafic considerations surrounding bringing young children to shul.

Star-Spangled Synagogue: Do National Flags Belong in Our Houses of Worship?

On this flag day, Moshe Kurtz surveys the arguments for and against displaying national flags in synagogues.

Decentralization and Centralization: A COVID Tale of the Modern Orthodox Community

As the Covid-19 pandemic looks like it might be subsiding, Ezra Schwartz, a Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva University, incisively examines competing trends toward decentralization of synagogue life and centralization of halakhic decision-making that are reshaping the Modern Orthodox world.

After COVID, Reimagine Synagogue Life, Don’t Just Tweak it: A Response...

Responding to Judah Kerbel's discussion of synagogue life after COVID, Yechiel Shaffer argues that the pandemic is a call not simply to enhance synagogue life, but to reimagine it in bold new ways.

The Synagogue after Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity

COVID-19 will unquestionably have long-term impacts on synagogue life well beyond the duration of the pandemic. But what will change, and how can shul leadership best anticipate those shifts so as to position our synagogues for success in the future? Judah Kerbel, rabbi of the Queens Jewish Center and Ramaz peers through the looking glass.

Shabbat Morning Youth Groups: Implementing Rav Moshe Feinstein’s Inclusion Imperative

Zevi Fischer offers suggestions on how to implement Rabbi Moshe Feinstein's inclusion imperative.