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Tag: Review

Is Modern Orthodoxy Ready to Accept Rabbi Yitz Greenberg?

Steven Gotlib reviews the magnum opus of legendary Jewish thinker Yitz Greenberg, considering ways in which Greenberg’s newest synthesis of his ideas bring him back into conversation with the Modern Orthodox community.

Modern Orthodox Theology in a Post-Soloveitchik World

David Fried reviews a recent book that considers the divergence of Rabbis Yitz Greenberg, David Hartman, and Jonathan Sacks from the teachings of R. Joseph B. Soloveitchik.

Autonomy Comes Apart, the Mesorah Cannot Hold:Rav Soloveitchik’s Afterlife in the...

Levi Morrow reviews four new books that examine and apply the thought of R. Joseph B. Solovetichik of blessed memory. Image: below

Tablets Shattered (And Restored?): Jewish Identity Here and Now

Joshua Leifer’s new book illustrates the collapse of several paradigms that long sustained American Jewish life. In his review, Steven Gotlib notes that Leifer’s search for a viable, non-separatist, traditional Judaism overlooks several existing models of Jewish life and practice.

Judaism is About Two Kinds of Love

  Warren Zev Harvey Review of Shai Held, Judaism is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2024). Originally...

A Year in Review – 2022

As 2022 comes to a close, the Lehrhaus team is proud to feature some highlights from our contributions this past year. Yet again, we have published at least one hundred original pieces across a wide variety of genres.

The Children’s Book About R. Aharon Lichtenstein That Belongs on Your...

Tzvi Sinensky reviews the new volume about R. Aharon Lichtenstein from Divrei Shir’s Hebrew-language “Gedolei ha-Umah le-Yaldei Yisrael,” explaining why it is a must-read for adults and children alike.

A Year in Review – 2021

As 2021 comes to a close, the Lehrhaus team is delighted to highlight many of the thought-provoking essays we’ve published this year, with a diverse array of incredible thinkers and writers.

Sacred Training: Elevating the Hallowed Art of Healing 

Howard Apfel reviews Sacred Training: A Halakhic Guidebook for Medical Students and Residents.

There’s Something About Wendy

Author Risa Miller reviews Beth Kissileff's debut novel, Questioning Return.