Tags Pesach

Tag: Pesach

Revolution in the Temple

Through a careful reading of the Tosefta and its parallels, David Matar argues that Hillel led the Pharisaic faction to a populist victory over the Sadducean priests over the matter of offering the Pesach Sacrifice on Shabbat.

Ki Ani Hashem: A Literary Analysis of the Makkot

Joshua Shapiro explains how close readers of the Biblical text can find a unifying theory for reason behind the ten plagues.

Fellowship from Plague: Lessons from Passover

Ezra Sivan follows up last year's piece about how the Exodus leveled social boundaries with an article about what the Pesah story teaches us about social distancing today.

Wherefore Art Thou, Moses?

What does Shakespeare have to say about the Exodus, Moses, and the power of storytelling? Shaina Trapedo explores how the Bard's work can speak to us during this unprecedented Pesach season.

(Re)reading Shir ha-Shirim during Covid-19

Tzvi Sinensky argues compellingly for a new way to understand the relationship between Shir HaShirim and Pesach in times of quarantine.

The Passover Pandemic

In a piece that resonates today, Tzvi Sinensky examines what made the Jews' salvation from the plague of the firstborns so miraculous.

Passover 2020

Harris Bor meditates on the world of Passover in his new poem for the Lehrhaus.