Tags Modern Orthodoxy

Tag: Modern Orthodoxy

What if Rav Aharon had Stayed? A Counter-History of Postwar Orthodox...

In his first and last foray in this field, Zev Eleff tries his hand at some Modern Orthodox counter-history.  

The State of the Conversation

Zev Eleff and Ari Lamm cap off the Lehrhaus Symposium on the OU statement.

What Yitro Can Teach Us About Synagogue Leadership

Gidon Rothstein mines parashat Yitro for insight into best practices in synagogue governance.

Rebbe Without Walls: The Slonimer Sensation

Tzvi Sinensky on The Slonimer's contemporary popularity

Gedolim Cards and the Commodification of Rabbi-Saints

Zev Eleff on a uniquely American Jewish "righteous commodity" Gedolim Cards